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BREAK IN & ROBBERY DAMAGE: Insurance Claim Experts

BREAK IN & ROBBERY DAMAGE: Insurance Claim Experts


There are few more upsetting situations than having your home broken into and your personal possessions stolen, or your home vandalized. Once you have recovered from the initial shock, you usually turn to your insurance company to help you get your claim paid so you can put your life back in order. Many homeowners who have faithfully paid their premiums and never had the need to file a claim have a real shock when they realize that their insurance company does not want to compensate them at the level that they need to actually replace the items stolen, as well as repair any damage to their homes after a break in. Getting help from an insurance claim expert can make the difference in getting the money you will need to replace your valuables that were stolen, as well as any damage to your home that was part of the break in and robbery.



They are at the mercy of the insurance carrier in the adjustment and payment of their claim for damages. Insurance companies are a business; they are in business to make a profit. To increase profits, insurance companies control and limit the amount of money they pay out in claim damages to their insured’s. The simple fact is; the less insurance carriers’ pay to claimants; the more money and profit they make for themselves. Consumers become the victim of these practices and pay the price each year… into the billions of dollars. When an insurance company is allowed to get away with not honoring the terms of their contract due to the consumer being uninformed or easily convinced, they are happy to pay you less, and take more profits for their corporation.


Insurance Claim Experts is a professional group with outstanding qualifications and credentials to assist you in arbitrating your claim. We know that most consumers are unsure of whether they are covered and what recourse they have should their homeowner insurance company refuse to pay them the full amount (if any) of their claim. Every homeowner policy includes a clause that allows them to arbitrate their claim. With over 1,000 arbitrations, we are highly qualified to serve you and your interests. We can advise you what coverage you actually have by reviewing your policy, and can help you get the money you need to get your life back on track after a robbery. We serve consumers throughout the USA and in the states of Texas, Florida and California.


Contact an Insurance Claim Expert from our firm to assist you in understanding your policy and getting your claim paid in cases of breaks in and robberies.